At Waitrose

In town this afternoon, thought I’d nip into Waitrose to buy a few things.


During my visit, I had to ask two different shop assistants for help. Both were friendly and helpful, they spoke to me without effect and read out all the details I’d asked for without so much as a sigh.


When I reached the checkout, the woman offered to pack my bag, was straightforward and normally helpful.


The whole thing was a comfortable experience. It was frankly slightly unusual that they all knew what my white stick meant without any explanations needed. They didn’t point, treat me like a child  or someone needing over-indulgence. This shouldn’t feel unusual or like a pleasant surprise.


  1. I've been reading your blog for a year or two and I've just realised that it's not called "Uneasing Echos", but "Unceasing Echos". I had never noticed that C before.

    Sam G.


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