No half measures

In a pub, asking  a group of men for directions to the toilets.


They’re just over there to the right mate.


I walk in the general direction, and on the way, walk around a table which was in the way.


They shout

“you’re not fuckin’ blind, you twat. You shouldn’t be allowed to have that stick if you’re not really blind”




  1. “A notable difference between normal narcissistic personality disorder and malignant narcissism is the feature of sadism, or the gratuitous enjoyment of the pain of others. A narcissist will deliberately damage other people in pursuit of their own selfish desires, but may regret and will in some circumstances show remorse for doing so, while a malignant narcissist will harm others and enjoy doing so, showing little empathy or regret for the damage they have caused.”
    ― John D. Garner, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President

  2. I’ve made my life’s work spotting assholes. And you know, I think it’s harder now than ever before because there’s so many socially acceptable ways to exhibit a pathological lack of empathy.

    -Merrill Markoe


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