About this blog
sFrom time to time, I try to remember to provide an explanation of what the blog is for anyone who comes upon it in mid flow. So, for anyone new to reading my blog, welcome. I hope that you’ll look back at the previous posts over the months.
This blog really began with an earlier one that I wrote for a while in 2007 called Sitelines. The blog platform that I’d chosen unfortunately became less accessible to use and what had been a straightforward fast process of writing, editing and posting, became an uncertain and laborious set of actions – I’d lost control of it. Consequently my posting stopped.
I found my notes about that old blog in January and enjoyed reading it. I was particularly struck that the issues that I’d encountered then (13 years ago) hadn’t changed, leading me to wonder how much has really changed over my life in terms of attitudes to and thinking about blindness and disability. So I started this blog.
I have written more this time with over 30 posts so far and I hope it variously interests, resonates, explains, irritates, embarrasses, makes you think/wonder and hopefully makes you smile (or even laugh) at times…
This is a personal account, it doesn’t attempt to represent a position or the views of anyone but me. I am expressly giving myself permission not to try to give a ‘balanced’ perspective, represent a body of thinking or to take the views of others into account. I’m also giving myself some leeway in not feeling like I have to continually rationalise, explain or justify attitudes and behaviours that are not deserving of it - I do far too much of this. I might merely describe an experience, or I might try to understand its meaning through placing and understanding it in a wider context.
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